Der iliosakrale Übergang - Ein Problembereich des Pferderückens

Der iliosakrale Übergang - Ein Problembereich des Pferderückens

The iliosacral connection: a problem associated area of the equine back

Rümens D, Patan B, Probst A, Polsterer E, Macher R, Stanek C, König H E

DOI: 10.21836/PEM20070102
Jahr: 2007
Volume: 23
Ausgabe: 1
Seiten: 21-26

In total 10 anatomical specimens showing no pathological changes were used for the examinations. The articular surfaces of the iliosacral joint, articular surfaces between the vertebral bodies of the last lumbar vertebra and S1 as well as the articular surfaces between the transverse processes of the last lumbar vertebrae amongst each other and the articular surfaces between the transverse processes of the last lumbar vertebra and the cranial border of the wings of the sacrum were studied using bony specimens. The ligaments of the lumbosacral junction were dissected and the joint cavities of the iliosacral joint were filled. With the use of transparent E12 plastinated thin sections the anatomical position of the articular surfaces within the joint were demonstrated. Consideration was given to the transmission of forces generated in the pelvic limb onto the lumbosacral junction and to its graphic demonstration. The classification of the ventral sacroiliac ligaments and the interosseal sacroiliac ligaments in the latest anatomical nomenclature were discussed.